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Ghee Diaries

A dollop of love and great taste

Call me old-fashioned, but I’m the kind of person who prefers homemade food to anything purchased outside. I’m skeptical about the ingredients used, the addition of preservatives and I’m never satisfied with the taste.

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My personal restaurant – My home

We all love to eat out. And me, even more so. I am a complete foodie, and my taste buds are always craving some excitement. Sadly though, home food doesn’t give me that rush. Call me fussy, but I cannot afford to let food bore me.So I opt to eat out pretty often. This, obviously, doesn’t please my wife too much. Why would it! She feels we waste too much money...

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Discovering goodness in taste

The office cafeteria is our social hub through the week. It’s our escape zone where we get together to meet friends, get our mind off work, and of course, eat! Our lunch hour is the most exciting time of the day. Being a passionate cook and a food lover, I enjoy getting feedback from others on my cooking and tasting new dishes that my colleagues bring....

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Six tricks you can try when cooking at home with Ghee

Whoever has learnt cooking from their mothers and grandmothers always have an upper hand in the kitchen, because of the little anecdotes that have been passed on to them from the older, more expert generation. These culinary gems not only make things easier during preparation...

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